Posti buys new sorting machines

“We want to extend the lifecycle of print communications and develop new services,” says Yrjö Eskola from Postal Services.

The number of traditional letter deliveries has halved during the last decade when the habits and needs of people have changed. However, the visibility and usability of different printed products still remain good alongside digital services. Posti’s new sorting technology enables hybrid services, in which traditional services are combined with digital services.

“It is a fact that letter and publication deliveries have declined to the level of 1950s. However, print is not dead and it is still important alongside digital services. We can extend the lifecycle of printed products by utilizing technology and renewing the services together with our customers,” says Yrjö Eskola from Postal Service.

Fast and efficient sorting of items is an important part of mail deliveries. Seasonal variation in mail volumes and quickly changing needs of sending customers are part of the modern world. This requires new technologies and efficient utilization of automation.

“The latest sorting technology enables a better predictability and visibility for us and our customers. “We are currently building a tracking ability for addressed mail, with which our customers can join our systems and track the processes from start to finish in the near future. With the help of the linked digital services, information and postal services will be available anytime and anywhere. In our Parcel services, we have offered this kind of services already for a long time,” says Yrjö Eskola.

Three new sorting machines to be located in Helsinki

The machines suitable for letter, advertisement and publication sorting will be located in the postal center in Pasila, Helsinki. Helsinki postal center handles approximately 80% of print mail. The largest sending customers and most of the recipients are in the Southern Finland area.

The multifunctionality of the machines enables the sorting of letters and publications as well as other addressed items, for example addressed advertisements, directly in the order of delivery or according to the addresses of the recipients. According to the current estimate, the new machines will be deployed towards the end of 2019.

“This concerns a significant investment and the utilization of automation according to our strategy. By utilizing technology and developing our services together with our customers, we can slow down the increase in costs and extend the lifecycle of print, although the digitalization inevitably will decrease the delivery volumes,” says Yrjö Eskola.

“For us, this investment means long-term partnerships with our customers. For our personnel, this offers an opportunity to develop themselves and methods to secure postal services in the future,” says Eskola.

Source: Posti Group

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